Is it a scsi harddrive?  Its possible that the boot disk you have does
not have support for whatever scsi card you are using.... If you don't
know, boot into windows, and go to the device manager (right click on my
computer, go to properties, click on devices tab) and see if there is a
scsi entry, if there is, tell us what it says.  If you don't have scsi,
then I'm stumpted, I can't imagine why the harddrive woudln't show up.

-Aaron Solochek

Alexander wrote:

>     I'd like to apologize for sending out the same question again, but
> nothing thus far has worked.  Here is my problem, in detail:  I have
> attempted to install RedHat, TurboLinux, and now I'm on Debian.  None
> of these have I been able to install.  On every single one of them, as
> I am doing ANYTHING requiring finding the hard drive, it tells me that
> there is no hard drive.  This is the error message that I get from
> Debian:                                                 No Hard
> Disk!No hard disk drives could be found.  Make sure they are cabled
> correctly beforethe system's started.  You may have to change driver
> settings at the boot,... orload a driver.     I've gotten similar
> error messages from the other Linux's... I have a 13.5 GB hard drive
> and it is already partitioned for Linux.  What can I do?  All I want
> to do is get the thing installed, and I can't even do that... someone
> please help me!

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