On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 12:32:06PM +0800, gou.dedalus wrote:
> I and my friend have a problem with Linux. In some documents we 
> read that PCI modems can not be used, because of the structure 
> of Linux. Searched some sources, we couldn't find any usable info 
> about this, so please help! Both my friend and I have 56k PCI 
> Rockewell compatible modems (no winmodems) without any Linux-
> relate thing. I'd like to ask some kind of short tutorial about how to 
> install the needed software-pieces and what steps to follow for a 
> functional internet-connection.

The first step is to determine if your modems will work or not. The vast
majority of PCI modems are "winmodems", but there are a few that will
work with Linux. Check the Linux/Modem Compatibility Knowledge Base at
http://www.o2.net/~gromitkc/winmodem.html and look up your particular
modems. There are Rockwell-based modems that are winmodems, and some
that actually work (and some that work but have troubles).

Another quick way to test is to use minicom to access the modem (you
need to know which /dev/ttyS* it's on. COM1 in DOS -> /dev/ttyS0,
COM2->/dev/ttyS1, etc). Send it various AT commands, and see if it
responds correctly.

Once you know your modem works, look into the pppconfig package. It
makes ppp setup very easy.

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