All you should need to set up the modem is what serial port it is on.  For
example, my modem is on Com4, so I just told pppconfig, etc, to use /dev/ttyS3,
and everything worked.  You can use "dmesg |more" to find out what devices the
kernel is finding.  You can use the command "lspci" to find out what PCI
devices are being detected.  

For an explanation of why PCI support is not great in kernels 2.2.x, read the
"PCI Bus Not Yet Well Supported" in the Modem-Howto.  If you have the Linux
Howto's installed, you can find that in /usr/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/Modem-HOWTO.txt. 
That howto suggestes to email the output of the lspci command to the maintainer
of the serial driver.

Once you get Linux talking to your modem, you need to install some packages,
and run the debian ppp configuration tool:
 $ apt-get install pppconfig ppp
 $ pppconfig

On 10-Feb-2000 gou.dedalus wrote:
> Hi,
> I and my friend have a problem with Linux. In some documents we 
> read that PCI modems can not be used, because of the structure 
> of Linux. Searched some sources, we couldn't find any usable info 
> about this, so please help! Both my friend and I have 56k PCI 
> Rockewell compatible modems (no winmodems) without any Linux-
> relate thing. I'd like to ask some kind of short tutorial about how to 
> install the needed software-pieces and what steps to follow for a 
> functional internet-connection.
> Sorry, if this is a boring question. In this case, please anyone who 
> answer, do it to my own addres.
> Thank you.


Wim Kerkhoff              

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