what size hd ? that typically happens if:

1) the root partition is not a primary partition
2) the root partition is not marked as bootable/active
3) the root partition exists beyond the 1024-cylinder marker on the drive.

i thought newer versions of LILO were supposed to compensate for the 1024
cylider problem but i have a mandrake 7 machine(very new) and it does the
same gotta boot it from floppy.


On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Lars Sander-Green wrote:

lars_i >I recently installed the most recent version of the Debian base system 
on an 
lars_i >old 486 (with a clean system) from floppy disks. Everything seemed to 
lars_i >working fine and the base was installed, but when I tried to boot it 
lars_i >the HD it returned only the message LI and then froze. I managed to 
lars_i >from the rescue disk and re-installed because I couldn't figure out the 
lars_i >problem. After the second instalation nothing was improved; in fact, 
lars_i >rescue disk now returns LI. I have tried three different disks and 
lars_i >reformats, but the disk refuses to boot. Althoug I'm not sure, the fact 
lars_i >the system claimed my root sector was set to read-only and wouldn't let 
lars_i >change it to writeable may have something to do with the no-boot from 
lars_i >HD, but it doesn't explain the no-boot from the rescue disk. Any help, 
lars_i >either to succesfully boot the system or to completely re-install it, 
lars_i >be appreciated.
lars_i >
lars_i >Lars
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lars_i >Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
lars_i >
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