>>>>> "Brett" == Brett Carlane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  Brett> john s jacobs anderson on Tue 15 Feb:

  Brett> Only just started using `demand' myself, so I can't speak for
  Brett> how it used to work, but my dialup currently behaves as you
  Brett> describe:

well, now that I know it's just me...

  >> ...giving the pon command would start pppd, but nothing else
  >> would occur until data needed to be sent. The system would then
  >> dial-out...

  Brett> Have you tried causing network traffic to see what happens?
  Brett> If pppd is trying to dial out but failing to negotiate a
  Brett> connection, you may need to enable the `ipcp-accept-local'
  Brett> and `ipcp-accept-remote' options so pppd will accept whatever
  Brett> IPs your ISP assigns.  `pon' will still set local & remote
  Brett> IPs initially, but the real connection will override them
  Brett> when it comes up.

here's my /etc/ppp/peers/provider:

# This optionfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.3. 
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider"
user Pjacobs
remotename provider
ipparam provider
idle 600

here's what /var/log/messages looks like after `pon`:

Feb 17 20:50:59 genehack pppd[28000]: pppd 2.3.11 started by jacobs, uid 1000
Feb 17 20:50:59 genehack pppd[28000]: Using interface ppp0
Feb 17 20:50:59 genehack pppd[28000]: local  IP address
Feb 17 20:50:59 genehack pppd[28000]: remote IP address

(note that jacobs is my normal userid; and is in the dialout group.)

after i give `fetchmail`, this gets put into /var/log/messages:

Feb 17 20:51:02 genehack pppd[28000]: Exit.

and the ppp0 interface goes away.

commenting out the 'demand' line in the provider file and giving `pon`
causes a normal connection to be made, right away.

the only other thing I can think that might be of help:

> dpkg --list | grep ppp
ii  gpppon         0.2-1          A gnome applet that is a wrapper around pon 
ii  ppp            2.3.11-1.1     Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon.
ii  pppconfig      2.0.4          A text menu based utility for configuring pp
ii  wmppp.app      1.3.0-1        A PPP and network load monitor with the NeXT

this was working until some point late last week or early this week;
I'm not exactly sure which dist-upgrade broke it.

any help welcomed.


                 John S Jacobs Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  \* Genehack:  Not your daddy's weblog */
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