[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carl Fink) wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 07:30:00PM +0100, Alex Schuster wrote:

> > So, what would I need to do to get an up to date system? Without
> > being online for days (which costs some money here). Or is potato
> > finished very soon?
> To answer your question:  if you're in a big hurry, you could install
> apt on your slink system.  Potato should be released in some weeks,
> and potato+apt will solve all the problems you refer to.

apt is already installed.

> I personally have been using potato for months now with only a few
> problems, so upgrading to potato "early" wouldn't be a terrible idea.

But how would one do this? Go online, enter apt-get dist-upgrade, and  
wait for.... well, a too long time. I can download 10 MB per hour,  
maybe 20 if I manage to get ISDN to work. Downloading a whole  
distrinution via apt would take days, and I do not want to be online  
for such a long time. I wouldn't work anyway, because the phone would  
not hold for such a long time without dropping the carrier. And it's  
too expensive.

So, are there other options? I guess I could download the whole potato  
tree of the ftp server (the connection at work is fast), put it onto  
some CDs, extract the tree to my harddisk, and use apt to upgrade.

So I guess I would have to wait for potato being stable, and then get  
a new CD image.

Or switch to Mandrake... <duck>

  Alex Schuster     [EMAIL PROTECTED]          PGP Key available
                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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