Mark Ferlatte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 09:24:41AM +0900, Olaf Meeuwissen spoke, and we
> listened to:
> > There is something funny about the output of df and du -s.  Just take
> > a look at the typescript below:
> > 
> >   bash-2.03$ df /home
> >   Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> >   /dev/hda7              2058900   1652232    300239  85% /home
> >   bash-2.03$ du -s /home
> >   661643    /home
> > 
> > According to df about 1.6Gb of the /home partition are used whereas du
> > -s says it about 1Gb less.  Who's wrong?  Or am I missing something?
> Some programs will open a tmp file and unlink it so that other
> processes won't mess with it.  (Think of it as an anonymous file
> that gets cleaned up when the process closes it or dies).
> du won't show these files, because it queries file by file.  Since
> these files don't exist within the directory tree, du doesn't find
> them and count them.  df queries the filesystem to determine how
> much space is left, and does count the space used by these files.

Fine, that explanation makes sense, at least enough to swallow it :-)

> Basically, to reclaim that disk, you need to find the process that
> is using the anonymous file, and kill it.  Or you can just reboot,
> which should clear it out.

Uhm, thing is, the data above are from this morning, right after I
booted my system.  Any processes that created an `anonymous' file
yesterday are not running today.

Olaf Meeuwissen       Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

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