On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 06:34:29PM +0900, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
> Uhm, the figures concerned are 0.6, 1, 1.6 and 2 gigabytes.  I see no
> (sensible) way of getting 5% out of those even without doing any math.
> Closest I come is 20% ;-)

well i said i was too lazy to bother with any calculations :P

> Your 5% for the superuser is 0.1 gigabytes.  It's not even close :-)
> Any other suggestions?

like others said open deleted files, i was going to say hard links but
GNU du seems to not be braindamaged like some commercial unix versions
of du that can't tell the difference between a hard link and a
copy. (*cough* Digital UNIX).

have you fscked it recently?  perhaps there is something messed up in
the filesystem..

tune2fs -l /dev/whatever and see if the reserved space is actually
more then 5%

other then that i cannot really think of anything, other then perhaps
some evil code that is hiding files from you but not hiding there disk

> -- 
> Olaf Meeuwissen       Epson Kowa Corporation, Research and Development

Ethan Benson

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