> > and why depmod makes such weird things ... 
> > run "rm /lib/modules/2.0.36/modules.dep" - possibly it's write-protected
> > or such thing.
> I did that and it puts back the weird one.  Correction: it IS stamped 5
> hours older than whenever it is created (boot).  I am at GMT -500 but this
> seems backward for me...  What's up???  I *have* to mark it read-only
> (immutable) to avoid the errors!
i guess, something is wrong with your timezone setup. run "date" to see,
what the system clock says ...

> > your question, why all the geniuses are silent: we don't have your system
> > in front of us. give a root login to somebody you trust and your problem
> > will probably be fixed within minutes. we (mostly) are no clairvoyants.
> I don't expect people to fix my problem, but something as simple as matching
> modules and a kernel compiled at the same time from the same source...? 
> Don't tell me no one has ever done THAT...
yes ... but the problem is probably a trivial one (if there were real
bugs, then the millions of other user would have already discovered them).
did you enable module support at all (the second option in the kernel
setup)? does it work without the patches (as far as i remember you applied
some patches for an earlier kernel version)?

> Anyways, I did get much better response today (Hmm, monday...) and I thank
> you all.
not that surprising ... :-)

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