Start of Soap Box

I agree wholeheartedly.  If I want Microsoft Linux, I'll buy Redhat.  Truly,
that is the standard that must be met for "ease" of installation.  If you
want to simply follow instructions to set up an OS, install a Microsoft OS;
in the same manner also, if you want a quick Linux box, install Redhat.
Don't expect that you'll understand even the slightest fraction of what
you're doing or why, but you'll have an OS.  I expect that because Debian
isn't the easiest thing in the world to install and configure properly, that
I will learn more about UNIX and it's derivatives because I've installed
something off the beaten path.  And isn't that how Linux came into
existence?  By being off the beaten path.  I could ramble more, but I've
said enough.

End of Soap Box

> Hardly.  I don't mind explaining the incantation.  Moreover, there's the
> remote possibility that either as a result of this explanation, or by
> way of independent research, someone might actually learn something and
> derive further insight.  It's elitist to the extent that it requires an
> ability to learn.  However, it's also a meritocracy -- anyone with
> ability can join this group.
> > If you wish
> > to assist the spread and use of linux and debian and free(dom) software,
> > then it doesn't.  My own vote is to discard every element of geekish
> > elitism immediately.  That doesn't mean discarding the Unix way of doing
> > things, it just means helping others get there more smoothly.
> Strong disagreement.  There are ways of packaging Linux (or any OS) to
> minimize the dissonance caused by ignorance -- MacOS X is essentially a
> BSD box, but it's got some really pretty chrome.  See also If the
> masses need a box for the masses, provide that as a seperate offering.
> I'll take my Debian raw and uncut.  We aren't a business, we don't need
> mass market share.  What we do need is sufficient mindshare -- *of the
> elitist, "geekish", obscure-but-oh-so-elegant subset of the population*
> -- to propogate development of a better Debian.  At least within this
> group.

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