OK getting closer.  I ran--

$ fetchmail -c mail.inebraska.com
Enter password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
fetchmail: Authorization failure on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fetchmail: authorization error while fetching from mail.inebraska.com
fetchmail: Authentication failed for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was prompted for a password.  I think what is wrong is fkent isn't 
my username for the isp.  So I tried changing this line--
#   username (or user)        -- must be followed by a name

in .fetchmailrc


user xyf

but now I get this error--
$ fetchmail -c mail.inebraska.com
fetchmail:/home/fkent/.fetchmailrc:45: parse error at user

I also tried username --xyf
and user "xyf"

Maybe I have the syntax wrong I will keep looking.

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