I don't think the last message I sent went through due to me
changing some things in the rc files.  Ayway I will start over.

I changed the "poll" section in .fetchmailrc and now I get:
$ fetchmail -c mail.inebraska.com
8 messages for xyf at mail.inebraska.com (17181 octets).

So it seems I am closer once again but when I try:
$ fetchmail -av mail.inebraska.com to get my mail all I get
back is a command line. 

Here is what I have in .fetchmailrc:
# This is what the developer's .fetchmailrc looks like:

set daemon 300  # Poll at 5-minute intervals

#       interface "sl0/"       # SLIRP standard address
#       user esr is esr fetchmail-friends magic-numbers here

# Use this for production
poll mail.inebraska.com protocol POP3:
    user xyf
    password xxxxxxxxxxx;


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