Hello Vitux,

On 12-Apr-00, you wrote:

V> Hi There.
V> I can't seem to get the cmos clock set doing:
V> hwclock --set --date="foo/bar..." 
V> I figure maybe my compaq mobo has some strangeness in it's
V> CMOS?? It's a EP 6350, PII/350, using (AFAIK) a proprietary
V> compaq-bios.

Could well be due to the Compaq mobo - I must have set up 50 EP series
m/c's (M$ unfortunately) of various specs, and the previous range:
DP2000 was worse.  They do seem to be very proprietary and you have
less trouble with more generic systems.

V> Another question:
V> When I'm surfing the 'net and run into a .ram file, Netscape
V> wants to save it to disk, instead of playing it. It's
V> supposed to be a soundfile, but I've never seen that
V> particular format before. Is there a .ram-playing-util in
V> Linux?
V> Best Regards
V> Vitux

The .ram format is proprietary to Real Networks (I think) and they won't
release the source.  I think there was a recent thread here about the
latest .ram player for Linux - I think it ended by concluding that it
didn't work properly, but check the mailing list archive.




...or something.

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