>>>>> "Ethan" == Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> and if you want to compile them there's always 'apt-get
    >> --compile source packagename'.  if you haven't used it before
    >> here's how it works :)

    > with the annoying side affect of apt insisting on replacing the
    > locally compiled packages with the debian binary version...
    > unless you never use apt-get upgrade again or put everything on
    > hold, which hides the fact that there is a newer version...
    > (why does apt do that?)

What might be cool is if you compiled your own, it would change the
version number so that there would be not conflict between official
binaries and roll-your-own.  Kinda like using the --revision flag with

I guess ultimately, what would be best, would be to keep track of the
sources that you have installed, so that you know when the sources
have been updated.  Or have apt recompile for you.

Heck, why not just have the computer read our minds.  :)


    > -- Ethan Benson http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/

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