On Sat, Apr 22, 2000 at 01:25:15AM -0500, Brad wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 21, 2000 at 08:27:52PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> >
> > > and if you want to compile them there's always 'apt-get --compile source
> > > packagename'.  if you haven't used it before here's how it works :)
> > 
> > with the annoying side affect of apt insisting on replacing the
> > locally compiled packages with the debian binary version...  unless
> > you never use apt-get upgrade again or put everything on hold, which
> > hides the fact that there is a newer version...  (why does apt do that?)
> On my system, i usually bump the version number of the package up by
> .0001 before i recompile (then again, i usually only recompile to fix a
> bug ;)

likewise, or if im tired of waiting for a updated package to get built
for powerpc, in which case i don't care if the real one replaces mine.

> If you put the locally compiled package into an apt source before any of
> the official Debian mirrors, it will keep your version instead of
> Debian's as long as the version numbers remain equal. For example, i
> have this at the top of my sources.list:
>   deb file:/usr/local/debs / 
> dpkg-scanpackages creates the packages file. As a side effect, this
> keeps away the 'obsolete/local' classification.

this sounds like the perfect solution! thanks.

Ethan Benson

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