I'm working on setting up a LAN here at home.  I have 2 computers
here, 1 running Windows ME (within the next few weeks I'll be
reinstalling ME (it's that time of the year) and then I'll also be
trying to dual-boot ME and Libranet)-- my parents' computer-- and my
Linux box, which I'm dual-booting Debian and Redhat on.  My parents'
computer has a winmodem which keeps on destabilising the system, so
I want to disable it and have it connect through my computer's
external modem.  The computers are currently networked (pretty much--
I'll work out the bugs after the reinstall) and sharing files
perfectly with Samba.  On my computer, I already have
fetchmail/postfix/maildrop set up to get my mail from my ISP, process,
and deliver it-- but I don't have a static IP, so it's not a
'free-standing' server; I have Apache set up because I use webmin and
dwww.  I've already set up amavis/clamav to scan my mail because I'm
kinda hoping that I can at best download everyone's mail and process
it myself (and use my SMTP server for outgoing mail, which I already
do for my own mail), or, at worst, it won't be a total waste because
my mail can't be blamed for any infections on the Windows box (it has
a mcafee virus scanner, but still...).  I also want to be able to
store all of my files (even ones generated on the Windows computer) on
my computer and be able to access them easily-- but samba seems to
work extremely well for that. :)

So I have several questions:
Can I set up modem sharing with a minimum of hassle for my parents
when they go to use it and for free?  How?

Semi-related question-- do I absolutely *need* Partition Magic to
dual-boot Linux and Windows?  The thing is, with my dad being out of
work, we don't have money for a $60 piece of software. :(

Is it possible to set up the mail on my system so that my parents'
mailboxen can be accessed with Mozilla on their computer?  I tried
getting Moz to get mail from localhost but it won't-- will I run into
similar problems over a LAN?

Is there anything else I should be setting up?


Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://www.2khiway.net/users/vroemer
Registered Linux user #2880021   http://counter.li.org/
"Just because you're not paranoid, that doesn't mean they're not out
to get you." (ripped from someone's slashdot .sig)
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