On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 12:50:33AM -0500, Stephen Gran wrote:
> This one time, at band camp, Vikki Roemer said:
> > Hi!
> > So I have several questions:
> > Can I set up modem sharing with a minimum of hassle for my parents
> > when they go to use it and for free?  How?
> Sure.  There is a package called diald that is designed for this,
> although I have heard mixed reports about how well it works.  pppd also
> has a demand mode that I know works well.  Set the client computer to
> use the other as a gateway, do the proper things for connection sharing
> there (more information to follow if you don't know what I mean) and it
> should work fine.

Oh, ok.  Now I just have to find out how to set up connection
sharing.  That does sound familiar, though.  Hmm...

> > Semi-related question-- do I absolutely *need* Partition Magic to
> > dual-boot Linux and Windows?  The thing is, with my dad being out of
> > work, we don't have money for a $60 piece of software. :(
> No.  In my experience, when you're installing both from scrathc (as it
> sounds like you're going to) just install Windows first - the Debian
> install at least is smart enough to detect another parasite^W OS on the
> hard drive, and set up lilo accordingly.  If that doesn't work in
> libranet, the default lilo configuration for Debian has some lines
> commented out that will point you in the right direction.  Basically,
> Windows will overwrite the MBR without asking, but lilo will do The
> Right Thing WRT other OS's on the disk.

Good.  See, I knew that once I got Libranet on the system I could set
up lilo to dual-boot properly (I inadvertently learned about it when I
set up my computer to dual-boot RH as the secondary OS); I just didn't
know if the installer would (should) be smart enough to shove Windows
out of the way.

Ok, things are looking up... :)

> > Is it possible to set up the mail on my system so that my parents'
> > mailboxen can be accessed with Mozilla on their computer?  I tried
> > getting Moz to get mail from localhost but it won't-- will I run into
> > similar problems over a LAN?
> Again, sure.  I run qpopper or the like for LAN-only access - for times
> where one computer is picking up the mail, but there are likely to be
> plenty of dumb clients, and no one stores their mail on the server, and
> you're behind a firewall, straightforward POP3 is easy and fast.  If you

Oh, good.

> have more complicated needs, I recommend IMAP and SSL (or TLS).  Most

I was going to finish setting that up anyway (I started setting up
TLS, got in over my head, and now I'm waiting until I have time to
pick it back up again).  But that's a secondary consideration.

> > Is there anything else I should be setting up?
> Some iptables-based firewalling, especially for the netbios nastiness,
> andit looks pretty good here.  There's _always_ more to do, but that's a
> good start.  Printer sharing is also nice, and easy to set up with samba
> and cups.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that-- I have iptables set up to filter
ppp traffic (basically, if I didn't ask for the packet, it's not getting
through).  I also have printer sharing set up on the Windows computer
(it's my parents' printer, so they keep it), but at this point I'm not
sure how well it works; I've also set it up so that the CD-burner on
that computer is shared, too-- I think that works, but I'm not
entirely sure (UDF is a pain in the butt).

BTW, is there a way to get nmbd to listen on eth0 *only*?  At the
moment, it insists on listening on both eth0's address and on all

Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://www.2khiway.net/users/vroemer
Registered Linux user #2880021   http://counter.li.org/
"Just because you're not paranoid, that doesn't mean they're not out
to get you." (ripped from someone's slashdot .sig)
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