On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 10:00:47AM +0200, Jonathan Gift wrote:
> Hi,
> Does the install procedure on Potato require you dig up the monitor's
> frequency rate, etc, or can you just select the resolution an bitmap mode as
> in 1152x864 and 24 bit?

I just installed the frozen potato, and the cold spud tried to make me use
xf86config to generate my XF86Config file.  I outsmarted the icy tuber by
hitting ctl-C and then saying "no" every time it asked me again, and then
I used the bronze tool known as XF86Setup to get a suboptimal but perfectly
functional XF86Config file in place.  On the way, I had to get rid of the 
electric yo-yo known as gpm, because it was hijacking my mouse.  If I were
in charge, I'd drop gpm's priority to "optional" before releasing 2.2, but
then I always purge the dratted package anyway.

If I run out of ways to kill time at work, I'll do what other debian users
do when they want a thorough X config-- I'll go out on the net and beg users
of other distros and similar hardware for relevant snippets of their 
XF86Config files.

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