On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 03:11:56AM -0700, Ed Slocomb wrote:
> I just installed the frozen potato, and the cold spud tried to make me use
> xf86config to generate my XF86Config file.  I outsmarted the icy tuber by
> hitting ctl-C and then saying "no" every time it asked me again, and then
> I used the bronze tool known as XF86Setup to get a suboptimal but perfectly
> functional XF86Config file in place.  On the way, I had to get rid of the 
> electric yo-yo known as gpm, because it was hijacking my mouse.  If I were
> in charge, I'd drop gpm's priority to "optional" before releasing 2.2, but
> then I always purge the dratted package anyway.
> If I run out of ways to kill time at work, I'll do what other debian users
> do when they want a thorough X config-- I'll go out on the net and beg users
> of other distros and similar hardware for relevant snippets of their 
> XF86Config files.

You know, you CAN use gpm and have it work quite nicely with X. This
issue has come up and been answered several times while I've been on 
this list (about 3 weeks).

Hint: use /dev/gpmdata as your Pointer for X.

Or just dig back a few threads and see the full writeup.


"When in doubt, use brute force."
  --Ken Thompson (author of unix)

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