** On May 17, brian moore scribbled:
> On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 06:33:04PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
> > Hi *,
> > 
> >   Take a look at the message below. I have just received it from the
> > debian-user list. There would be nothing strange in it if not for the fact
> > that the person who posted it (apparently from the wcom.com domain as seen
> > in the full logs) appears to have an address [EMAIL PROTECTED] - that
> > is in _my_ domain :)). The problem is that neither no bolan or
> > debian.vip.net.pl exist! Our mailer is not an open relay, the user posted it
> > from the wcom.com domain (see the attached full logs).
> >   I wonder whether the other people on the list received posts from
> They would if they had a host named 'debain.YOUR.DOMAIN.COM'.
The thing is I _don't_ have debian.VIP.NET.PL and still I got the message
with such address.

> Sendmail (and probably other smtp servers) tries to canonify names in
> headers.  This is a semi-helpful process, but it usually is correct to
> do.  (See RFC1123, section 5.2.18, which mandates using fqdn's which is
> why sendmail, trying to be nice, tries to fix partial names it sees.)
I use postfix and I suppose it does the same. In the situation where the
lookup fails I suppose postfix appended my domain name even though the host
with such derived name doesn't exist.

> Sites without a machine named 'debain.whatever.com' (ie 'nslookup
> debian' fails) will leave it as '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.
Not what happened here...

> Even more obvious of the same thing is people who send mail as just
> 'username' which gets canonified as [EMAIL PROTECTED] by each
> recipient.  (Spammers do this reasonably often judging from how often
> our users complain about it.)
The original poster apparently used Exim, which does canonicalize local user
names, unless it is misconfigured.

> Looks like the original sender needs to fix their mail setup to use the
> fqdn.
he, or one of the several relays that lie between him and the outer world...


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