> |> Given that the directory isn't being rotated, is contantly growing,
> |> neither "keysmoop" nor "keysmoops" returns any hits on Google, and
> |> that "smoop" looks suspiciously like "snoop"..
> Forgive me; I mis-typed. The directory is actually `ksymoops' and it's
> obviously not the result of a security breach.
> According to kernelnotes.org, ksymoops is a program to:
>  Read a kernel Oops file and make the best stab at converting the code to
>   instructions and mapping stack values to kernel symbols.
> ...
> Which all makes a kind of sense.
> Except that I didn't create /var/log/ksymoops (I wouldn't have known
> how to or why to; I had never heard of ksymoops before I noticed the
> existence of the log files); it must have been created automatically
> in the upgrade process from slink to frozen.

One of the the required or standard or important packages in
frozen (potato) recommends the ksymoops package.  I avoided
it for a long time, not feeling need for it, but since I like to = (hold)
installed packages, and was even more annoyed by the
suggestion coming up, I went ahead and installed it.

You may have selected it inadvertently with a list of depends/recommends.

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