[ This is not an official announcement of the Debian project, just a
Debian developer speaking up with his personal opinion. ]

Debian is now well into its second test cycle for the "potato" (2.2)
release of Debian. Now is an excellent time to help us test the
distribution. Frozen is quite stable now; we are only making small 
changes to it every 2 weeks or so, mainly security fixes. As such, it is
now almost as stable as stable.

And of course, it is much more up-to-date, with many enhancements,
additions, and bugfixes. At this point, in my opinion, there is no reason
to use Debian stable except for absolutely mission critical applications.
For exerything else, frozen is a great choice. (Put stable on your mars
lander; use frozen in mission control ;-).

So I'm writing to encourage people to upgrade to frozen, and if you can,
do new installs with frozen. Every report we receive of another clean
upgrade/install makes us that much more likely to release soon. So if
you upgrade or install frozen, post a report to the mailing list
<debian-testing@lists.debian.org>. Describe how you upgraded or installed.
If everything went perfectly, say so; If there were some problems, do your
best to describe them, and any relevant information about your system.

Release notes for potato are here:

For fresh installs, an install guide is here:

For upgrades:

CD images are here:


see shy jo

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