Hi Ignasi,

Thanks for your email. 

Did you actually use FAT or FAT32 for the other OS and was the other OS

I tried to wipe out the disk and create tha FAT32 partition using the fdisk
of the Windows98 startup disk but when I rebooted to Debian, the Debian
cfdisk was exiting with a fatal error! (apparently it could not understand
the FAT32 partition created with the Windows fdisk).

I wonder if this has to do with me having a too large disk (40GB).

Could you please tell me the exact steps you did? 
This is what I did:

1. I boot my new disk (master - 40GB) using a WIndows 98 startup disk. 
2. I create a 12GB FAT32 partition using the fdisk found in the startup disk
and another     partition for the rest of the disk.
3. I reboot to Debian (which is located in my primary slave disk).
4. In order to create ext2 partitions, I try to start cfdisk or fdisk and
both of them exit       with a "FATAL ERROR" message.

Does this make any sense? (or I should definitely devote/waste a whole hard
disk for Windows 98?)



-----Original Message-----
From: I. Tura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 6:14 PM
To: Dimitris Dracopoulos; 'debian-user@lists.debian.org'
Subject: Re: Debian + Windows98 on the same large disk problem

        Hello Dimitris,

        I had the exact same problem as you.

        The action you and me did wrong is to create FAT partitions with a
program. In the fdisk docs it tells that if you want to do a partition for
the OS "A", use the partition program from the OS "A". I could not solve
that situation so I had to wipe out again the whole disk and then do the
FAT partition with M$ fdisk and the ext2 partitions with GNU fdisk.

        Also please check if your BIOS includes "Access disk for this, or
that OS"
when you partition. Phoenix 4.0 BIOS, in this or that "Access disk" option
makes GNU fdisk to report different values!

        Good luck,


At 17.30 18/7/00 +0100, Dimitris Dracopoulos ha escrit:
>I have recently got a new hard disk 40GB, in which I decided to install
>Windows98 and Debian, FreeBSD. 
>(I never wanted to install this Win98 stuff on my machine but job matters
>I repartitioned the hard disk using slink Debian's cfdisk into a first
>partition of 12GB and 3 more partitions (second is 12GB BSD, and the other
>two, 10 and 5GB Linux). For the cfdisk to work properly with my large disk,
>I had to specify the disk geometry that FreeBSD's fdisk returned to me.
>Following that I installed Windows98 on the first partition of 12GB. I
>checked with the Windows98 fdisk program, and indeed it finds the 4
>partitions mentioning that the 3 last ones are non-DOS. 
>The problem is that when I use the Windows explorer to see what is the
>available space for my C drive (FAT32 partition), I get that available for
>are 39GB, i.e. the whole of my hard disk and not just the FAT32 partition.
>Despite that, it reports the C volume label to be the same name as that
>reported by the Windows98 fdisk!
>So, I wonder what is happening? Is it just a bug in the Windows Explorer or
>the actual Windows will expand further than their allocated 12GB partition
>when they have no space and delete my Debian and FreeBSD stuff when I
>install them there?
>Has anyone installed both Debian and Windows98 on the same large disk and
>came across anything similar?
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