On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, USM Bish wrote:

> 2.  The BackSpace key needs fixing for "X". However placing xmodmap
> parameters in .xsessions or .Xdefaults does not seem to correct the
> problem, and I need to repeat the same over an xterm. Is there any
> way out?

My xmodmap is run from ~/.xsession (note: not .xsessions) and works fine.
There is a file /etc/X11/Xmodmap that Debian supplies. I suppose that's
the official place to put it.

/etc/X11/Xmodmap takes actual xmodmap parameters (keycode=xxx, etc). In
~/.xsession, I actually execute the xmodmap program with my own file of

xmodmap /home/rickm/.Xmodmap


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