> Just jumped into the slink-potato-bandwagon a week ago being rather
> tired of RH and SuSE.


> 1. The init process in debian does not differentiate levels from 2 to 5,
> as a
> consequence, I am forced to boot into x-windows thru "xdm". I am
> presently
> bailing out to console using the /etc/init.d/xdm script with the option
> "stop".
> I do not need "X" most of the times. Is there any other way I can boot
> directly into the comnsole without starting my "X-server". I have not
> tinklered around with my init process as yet.

The easiest way is to remove the SNNxdm link in /etc/rc2.d, or you could
use the "update-rc.d" utility.

Staf Wagemakers

email      : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
homepage   : http://www.digibel.org/~staf

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