On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 04:54:42PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote
> On Fri, Aug 18, 2000 at 12:17:28AM +0300, Shaul Karl wrote:
> > For some reason that I do not understand the authors of the "Hrad Disk 
> > Upgrade 
> > Mini How-To" claim about this or very similar one that
> > 
> >     Previous versions of the Mini How-To stated that you could also
> >     use "tar" to copy the disk, but this method was found to have a bug.
> tar doesn't deal well with device files.

Also, last I checked it didn't correctly handle hard links
or sparse files, and ignored sockets entirely (not necessarily
a big deal).

I use afio for this kind of thing, and it's never failed me yet.
# find / -xdev -path '/lost+found' -prune -o -print | afio -p /newroot

John P.
http://www.mdt.net.au/~john Debian Linux admin & support:technical services

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