On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 11:17:08PM +1000, Bill wrote:
> Hi All,
>             Can someone please tell me the easiest and safest way to mirror
> a Hard Drive,  keeping all permissions, owner, groups etc. intact
> Thanks in Advance
> Bill

I've remapped partitions or even upgraded across drives just by using
cp - mke2fs the new drive (assuming the partition is large enough to
hold all the data), then:

mount /dev/hdxx /mnt
mkdir /mnt/mnt
mkdir /proc/mnt

cp -av /bin /mnt
cp -av /sbin /mnt
cp -av /usr /mnt
cp -av /home /mnt
cp -av /dev /mnt

The only thing that can't be cp'd is proc, but proc is re-created on
the next boot, anyway.

I've never had a single problem with this (except when I forgot to mke2fs
the drive, and accidentally copied to a vfat partition).

But you might be meaning something other than what I'm thinking here...

Good luck anyways :)

 - Brian

.oO(You know you've been using computers too long when you can actually come up 
with something that can be abbreviated as "lgtkmozembed")

(quoted from GyrosGeie on irc #mashpotato)

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