On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Daniel E. Baumann wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Vik wrote:
> > I can't play audio cd's in potato - audio or cd progs complain that saying
> > they cannot access the cdrom device, and if I just hit the 'play' button
> > on the cd-drive itself, the output doesn't go thru the soundcard - The
> > only way I can listen is to get the audio cable and put in the the jack on
> > the front of the cd player. 
> > 
> > I am using the ALSA drivers that came with potato. Could it be a problem
> > with this? Or maybe cdrom automounting? Everything worked OK under
> > Redhat6.1
> > 
> > ciao
> > 
> > vik
> > 
> > <http://www.progsoc.org/~vik>
> > PGP: <http://www.progsoc.org/~vik/pgp.txt>
> > 
> > There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad.
> > 
> > Salvador Dali
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> You probably have all the channels muted. When you first install ALSA the
> channels are muted by default and you have to turn the sound up using a mixer
> program. If you are running KDE you can use kmix, if GNOME use gmix, if
> nothing cool then use alsamixer (console based). 
> Also after you unmute and turn up the sound you shoud do (as root) 'alsactl
> store' which will write the settings to /etc/alsa.conf.
> I am using ALSA on my laptop, but I did not use the debs I compiled the
> latest version myself.
> Dan 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Daniel E. Baumann
> E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
>         [EMAIL PROTECTED] (caution: dynamic DNS 
>                                   service, may bounce)
> Web location:         http://www.msoe.edu/~baumannd
>                 http://www.linuxfreak.com/~baumannd
> "Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code." 
>       -- Dave Olson
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Oh yeah. You should also check the premissions on /dev/cdrom (which usually
points to the real device).

Daniel E. Baumann
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] (caution: dynamic DNS 
                                service, may bounce)

Web location:   http://www.msoe.edu/~baumannd

"Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code." 

      -- Dave Olson

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