> The fact is that most, if not all the mirrors are just EMPTY, for example

> has nothing, nada, zero files.
> So, I suppose that unless someone indicates what to do, KDE is for the most
> closed for
> Debian users. I have tried to get some indication about what to do to compile
> the binaries from source, but
> I haven't been able to find any valuable information. Does anyone have any
> Thanks,
> Antonio.

There are KDE debs at http://kde.tdyc.com/Debian. ***Interesting to note is that
these will soon appear in woody as QT is going GPL.

As stated on that page, add one or more of the following lines to your

# HTTP Apt-Getable Sites
deb http://kde.tdyc.com woody kde2
deb http://kde.tdyc.com potato kde contrib
deb http://sunsite.tut.fi/ftp/Mirror/debian/ruins.tdyc.com/pub potato kde
contrib rkrusty

Then, simply run "apt-get install kde2" to get/install the KDE2 debs. Since KDE2
is going to replace KDE 1.1.2 very soon, I recommend installing KDE2. It
definitely works as I have KDE2 running on my system at home, although I do get
error every now and then. As for running older versions of KDE (aka 1.1.2), your
mileage may vary.

If you really want to compile, let me know and I'll include some pointers for
doing that. It actually compiles cleanly and isn't too difficult to do, but, the
binaries (debs) are the much easier route to take!


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