On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 03:25:32PM -0500, Bryan K. Walton wrote:
>        I made a horrible mistake today.  I accidentally deleted the /tmp
>        directory and its contents.  (...)

That *shouldn't* be a problem, as far as I know.  Make sure the directories
/tmp and /var/tmp exist, regardless if there's anything in them.  These
directories should normally be emptied on a regular basis, so it shouldn't be
a big problem if their contents are deleted, as long as you're not doing
anything very important when that happens.  (This is basic Linux (UNIX
actually) here.)  Now as for X malfunctioning, I can't put any reasoning
behind that, maybe someone else here can.  My advice is to reboot your system
after recreating the directories I mentioned above, to make sure everything is
clean.  Then see if X works.  If it still doesn't, try reverting your X set up
back to the state it was before the /tmp incident occurred.  (Reverting your
.xsession and whatever else you mentioned.)  If that doesn't solve the problem,
I'd investigate your X set up further and do some general diagnosis.  Perhaps
someone here (as I mentioned already) could provide more insight on the

In summary, if /tmp is deleted, don't sweat it, just make sure to reboot.
(Cleanly. =)

 J.P. Larocque, known online as piranha
 Fidonet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:346/6 (The Garage, 509-326-4609)

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