On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 11:00:34AM +0900, thus spake Jack Morgan:
> How cn i use Ispell in VI? I'm using VI as my editor for Mutt and want to be 
> able to
> check my spelling. I'm a VI newbie so any help is greatly appreciated ;-)

Are you using Vim?  If so, I've attached a good script by Claudio
Fleiner which allows you to use Ispell from within Vim.  Source it
from your .vimrc and then just hit <F6> when you want to check
the file you are working on.  This may work in plain Vi too,
wouldn't know because I haven't tried.  Instruction are there in

Good luck!

       * "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts. "  *
       *                 Douglas Hoftstatder                *
" Use ispell to highlight spellig errors
" Author: Claudio Fleiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
" F6         - write file, spell file & highlight spelling mistakes
" <SHIFT>F6  - switch between german and american spelling
" <ALT>F6    - return to normal syntax coloring
" <ALT>I     - insert word under cursor into directory
" <ALT>U     - insert word under cursor as lowercase into directory
" <ALT>A     - accept word for this session only
" <ALT>/     - check for alternatives

:function! ProposeAlternatives()
:  let @_=CheckSpellLanguage()
:  let alter=system("echo ".expand("<cword>")." | ispell -a -d ".b:language." | 
sed -e '/^$/d' -e '/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/d' -e 's/.*: //' -e 's/,//g' | awk '{ 
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if(i<10) printf \"map %d :let r=SpellReplace(\\\"%s\\\")<CR> 
| echo \\\"%d: %s\\\" | \",i,$i,i,$i; }'")
:  if alter !=? ""
:    echo "Checking ".expand("<cword>").": Type 0 for no change, r to replace 
:    exe alter
:    map 0 <cr>:let r=SpellRemoveMappings()<cr>
:    map r 0gewcw
:  else
:    echo "no alternatives"
:  endif

:function! SpellRemoveMappings()
:  let counter=0
:  while counter<10
:    exe "map ".counter." x"
:    exe "unmap ".counter
:    let counter=counter+1
:  endwhile
:  unmap r

:function! SpellReplace(s)
:  exe "normal gewcw".a:s."\<esc>"
:  let r=SpellRemoveMappings()

:function! ExitSpell()
:  unmap <esc>i
:  unmap <esc>u
:  unmap <esc>a
:  unmap <esc>n
:  unmap <esc>p
:  unmap <esc><f6>
:  unmap <m-i>
:  unmap <m-u>
:  unmap <m-a>
:  unmap <m-n>
:  unmap <m-p>
:  unmap <m-f6>
:  syn match SpellErrors "xxxxx"
:  syn match SpellCorrected "xxxxx"
:  syn clear SpellErrors
:  syn clear SpellCorrected

:function! SpellCheck() 
:  syn case match
:  let @_=CheckSpellLanguage()
:  w
:  syn match SpellErrors "xxxxx"
:  syn clear SpellErrors
:  let b:spellerrors="\\<\\(nonexisitingwordinthisdociumnt"
:  let b:mappings=system("ispell -l -d ".b:language." < ".expand("%")." | sort 
-u | sed 's/\\(.*\\)/syntax match SpellErrors \"\\\\<\\1\\\\>\" 
".b:spell_options."| let 
:  exe b:mappings
:  let b:spellerrors=b:spellerrors."\\)\\>"
:  map <ESC>i :let @_=system("echo \\\*".expand("<cword>")." \| ispell -a -d 
".b:language)<CR>:syn case match<cr>:exe "syn match SpellCorrected 
\"\\<".expand("<cword>")."\\>\" transparent contains=NONE 
:  map <ESC>u :let @_=system("echo \\\&".expand("<cword>")." \| ispell -a -d 
".b:language)<CR>:syn case ignore<cr>:exe "syn match SpellCorrected 
\"\\<".expand("<cword>")."\\>\" transparent contains=NONE 
:  map <ESC>a :syn case match<cr>:exe "syn match SpellCorrected 
\"\\<".expand("<cword>")."\\>\" transparent contains=NONE 
:  map <ESC><F6> :let @_=ExitSpell()<CR>
:  exe "map <esc>n /".b:spellerrors."\<cr>"
:  exe "map <esc>p ?".b:spellerrors."\<cr>"
:  map <m-i> :let @_=system("echo \\\*".expand("<cword>")." \| ispell -a -d 
".b:language)<CR>:syn case match<cr>:exe "syn match SpellCorrected 
\"\\<".expand("<cword>")."\\>\" transparent contains=NONE 
:  map <m-u> :let @_=system("echo \\\&".expand("<cword>")." \| ispell -a -d 
".b:language)<CR>:syn case ignore<cr>:exe "syn match SpellCorrected 
\"\\<".expand("<cword>")."\\>\" transparent contains=NONE 
:  map <m-a> :syn case match<cr>:exe "syn match SpellCorrected 
\"\\<".expand("<cword>")."\\>\" transparent contains=NONE 
:  map <m-F6> :let @_=ExitSpell()<CR>
:  exe "map <m-n> /".b:spellerrors."\<cr>"
:  exe "map <m-p> ?".b:spellerrors."\<cr>"
:  syn cluster Spell contains=SpellErrors,SpellCorrected
:  hi link SpellErrors Error
:  exe "normal \<cr>"

:function! CheckSpellLanguage() 
:  if !exists("b:spell_options") 
:    let b:spell_options=""
:  endif
:  if !exists("b:language")
:    let b:language="american"
:  elseif b:language !=? "german"
:    let b:language="american"
:  endif

:function! SpellLanguage()
:  if !exists("b:language")
:    let b:language="german"
:  elseif b:language ==? "american"
:    let b:language="german"
:  else
:    let b:language="american"
:  endif
:  echo "Language: ".b:language

map <F6> :let @_=SpellCheck()<cr>
map <ESC>/ :let @_=ProposeAlternatives()<CR>
map <m-/> :let @_=ProposeAlternatives()<CR>
map <S-F6> :let @_=SpellLanguage()<cr>

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