Sie schrieben:
> How cn i use Ispell in VI? I'm using VI as my editor for Mutt and want to be 
> able to
> check my spelling. I'm a VI newbie so any help is greatly appreciated ;-)
                           ^^ nvi/elvis or, of course, *vim*   
I recommend using aspell instead of ispell (replace suggestions are a bit less
stupid [though often amusing] and there is an email mode).

In vim you would invoke aspell with:

:!aspell --mode=email --lang=(german -in my case) check %

After your aspell-session you have to reload the file with 
:e!  to reflect the changes

To avoid you the pain of typing, map this function in your .vimrc file:

map ,M :w!^M:!aspell --mode=email --lang=german check %^M:e!

map the keys, write out the file, invoke (!) external program "aspell" in
email mode using the German dictionary checking the current file (%); reload
the file changed by aspell in the editor ...

Hope I wasn't stating the obvious and well-known...


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> Jack Morgan                   Debain GNU/Linux
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