On 2000-10-01 16:47:26, Pollywog wrote:

> > OH?  Why would my cable modem provider scan my box?  What would
> > they be looking for?
> My ISP scanned my box once, and I asked them about it and they told
> me it was an accident, done by a new Linux box they had just set up
> because they were considering switching to Linux.  They told me the
> box would be shut down until they found the problem, and that it
> would not happen again.

MediaOne (now AT&T) probes for open relays on port 25 frequently.

Allan M. Wind                   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022                   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022           icq: 44214251

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