hi ya allan...

whats the point for mediaone to scan for open relays ??

- only two reasons ???
a.  they want to add that open relay box for more advertising to be
    sent thru it...
b.  they want to tell the customer to close the open relay ??

just more rambling on a sunday afternoon...

On Sun, 1 Oct 2000, Allan M. Wind wrote:

> On 2000-10-01 16:47:26, Pollywog wrote:
> > > OH?  Why would my cable modem provider scan my box?  What would
> > > they be looking for?
> > 
> > My ISP scanned my box once, and I asked them about it and they told
> > me it was an accident, done by a new Linux box they had just set up
> > because they were considering switching to Linux.  They told me the
> > box would be shut down until they found the problem, and that it
> > would not happen again.
> MediaOne (now AT&T) probes for open relays on port 25 frequently.
> /Allan
> -- 
> Allan M. Wind                 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> P.O. Box 2022                 finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
> Woburn, MA 01888-0022         icq: 44214251
> -- 
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