Can someone assist me please - I have .deb files left over in my 
folder even though I've apt-moved to a local mirrors folder on CDROM,
changing myapt-move.conf each time as appropriate.  For example, my  
sources.list contains -

deb potato main contrib non-free
deb unstable main

That's all; I've installed potato, kernel 2.2.17pre6 and X from the 
site, and helix-gnome from helix's site.  I did an apt-move for both
hierarchies (potato from debian and unstable from helixcode) and each 
files were moved.  However, I have files left over in the
/var/cache/apt/archives folder such as xmms_1.2.3-helix1_i386.deb and
rep-gtk_0.14-helix2_i386.deb, even though I've specified delete=yes in
apt-move.conf.  I'm concerned that in the event of a disaster, these 
won't be available.  

Point me in the right direction please?

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