> I have a similar problem. Maybe even worse.. If I change the way the hard
> drives are connected (like swap hda and hdb), changin the master/slave
> jumpers, the system does not boot at all...

I've never tried it. It shouldn't work though because of Lilo. Lilo HAS
to be installed in the MBR in order to boot perfectly. Maybe an image in
the other HD could make it bootable if it also has LILO installed. I'm
not sure about this.

If you have LILO in your MBR, maybe that's why you can't boot if you
change your master/slave jumpers...

> I had to find, what it seems a unique configuration in which it boots, but
> no DMA on the second IDE channel. I could turn DMA on with hdparam and as
> soon as I accessed the disk, it was disabled as in your case...

I can't set DMA in both my HDs. If I try setting it to on in my primary
disk (which has M$-Windows) and issue a command that reads from that HD
(like find /mnt/win in my case), it will turn off the DMA too.

> I gave-up... I blame it on the stupid PIIX (Triton) chip, I have...

I have a SiS mobo. I should know: it's a terrible one. It's not my
personal machine, so that I don't care much. It's my company's...

> Or maybe I am stupid, which is possible too :-)

We're not stupid. C'mon! :-)

> Anyway, I am following this thread with interest... :-)

It could be a problem with the kernel drivers. We could post it to the
kernel mailing list. :-))

Leonardo Dias
Analista Programador / Analyst Programmer
Catho Online

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