Jay Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When I bootup my system hangs on "Starting System Log Daemon
> Systlogd" how can I troubleshot this to see whats happening?  Thanks

Try to boot in single user mode, then the sysklogd won't start
automatically. To boot in a different runlevel, just append the digit
of the runlevel to the kernel command line. That means, if you use
Lilo (and have it configured so that you get a prompt), type in
"name_of_configuration 1". This will boot Linux into the runlevel 1,
the single user mode. Then you could remove the init links, so that
sysklogd won't start on normal bootup (you have to remount your root
partition read/write with 'mount -o remount, rw /'). Then, you can try
to start it manually while watching the logfiles ... or something like

/* Moritz Schulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 * http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
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