what are you using to capture video? i had major frame droppings on
7200RPM ultra 2 scsi with dual celeron 466 and 256MB of ram .. using BT848
..the drivers just aren't good enough for high fps capture(more then say
10fps) ...ive yet to try it with my new p3-800 10k rpm drive and 512MB ram
but i expect the same results.


On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Jonathan Lupa wrote:

jjlupa >I kind of have 2 questions here... the first is if anyone has any tips
jjlupa >for tuning the performance (in my case constant throughput) of scsi
jjlupa >drives?
jjlupa >
jjlupa >I'm trying to do some video capture but keep dropping frames even
jjlupa >though I'm on a U2W (2940) system. (the target drive is an empty 9G
jjlupa >LVD drive running reiserfs).
jjlupa >
jjlupa >The second question is where can I change the settings of update?
jjlupa >I've found I get better performance when I run a little
jjlupa >while(true);sleep(1);sync() in a second window while I capture video.
jjlupa >I thought there would be an update command in the init.d files
jjlupa >somewhere, but I only see one for single user mode.
jjlupa >
jjlupa >Any help would be greatly appreciated!
jjlupa >
jjlupa >Jonathan
jjlupa >-- 
jjlupa >GPG public key available from http://lupavista.jamdata.net/gpg.asc
jjlupa >------------------------------------------------------------------
jjlupa >Lament 1750: "If I only had a radioactive decay source and a fast 
jjlupa >free-running oscillator..."
jjlupa >

5:37pm up 34 days, 1:33, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.02

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