Is it possible that simply either capture or output (or both) buffers are
too small?

> what are you using to capture video? i had major frame droppings on
> 7200RPM ultra 2 scsi with dual celeron 466 and 256MB of ram .. using BT848
> ..the drivers just aren't good enough for high fps capture(more then say
> 10fps) ...ive yet to try it with my new p3-800 10k rpm drive and 512MB ram
> but i expect the same results.
> nate
> jjlupa >I'm trying to do some video capture but keep dropping frames even
> jjlupa >though I'm on a U2W (2940) system. (the target drive is an empty 9G
> jjlupa >LVD drive running reiserfs).
> jjlupa >
> jjlupa >The second question is where can I change the settings of update?
> jjlupa >I've found I get better performance when I run a little
> jjlupa >while(true);sleep(1);sync() in a second window while I capture video.
> jjlupa >I thought there would be an update command in the init.d files
> jjlupa >somewhere, but I only see one for single user mode.

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