Irger Armin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Subject: Re: dpkg -b (how to build own packages)

Don't use dpkg -b manually.

>how to use the following files ?
>How can i compile this to generate .deb packages ?

* 'apt-get install libc6-dev gcc g++ make dpkg-dev' (these are the
  "build-essential" packages);
* Also 'apt-get install fakeroot' so that you don't have to build the
  package as root;
* dpkg-source -x qt2.2_2.2.1-4.potato.2.dsc;
* cd qt2.2-2.2.1-4.potato.2;
* Install all packages listed in Build-Depends: and Build-Depends-Indep:
  lines in debian/control (if there are no such lines, then it may be an
  old package without build dependencies and you'll need to guess based
  on what the packages in the Debian archive depend on);
* dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot (or, if you install the devscripts
  package, you can just type 'debuild').

Hope that helps,

Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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