Colin Watson wrote:

> Irger Armin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Subject: Re: dpkg -b (how to build own packages)
> Don't use dpkg -b manually.
> >how to use the following files ?
> >
> >qt2.2_2.2.1-4.potato.2.diff.gz
> >qt2.2_2.2.1-4.potato.2.dsc
> >qt2.2_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz
> >
> >How can i compile this to generate .deb packages ?
> * 'apt-get install libc6-dev gcc g++ make dpkg-dev' (these are the
>   "build-essential" packages);
> * Also 'apt-get install fakeroot' so that you don't have to build the
>   package as root;
> * dpkg-source -x qt2.2_2.2.1-4.potato.2.dsc;
> * cd qt2.2-2.2.1-4.potato.2;
> * Install all packages listed in Build-Depends: and Build-Depends-Indep:
>   lines in debian/control (if there are no such lines, then it may be an
>   old package without build dependencies and you'll need to guess based
>   on what the packages in the Debian archive depend on);
> * dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot (or, if you install the devscripts
>   package, you can just type 'debuild').
> Hope that helps,
> --
> Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
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ok it work's, but where can i found the package ?
Not in the source-tree !

cu armin irger

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