Giving up on ever seeing ADSL (too far away from the exchange, screw you
BT!) I'm installing ISDN as my best hope this side of the next millenium.  I
know a lot about modems and nothing about ISDN so I'd appreciate some advice
on what ISDN card to insall for use in England.

These are issues (using that word the way God intended, not the way
Microsoft perverted!) which I can see I need to resolve:

1) compatiblity between modems is always a problem - I have two modems which
work fine with one ISP each and abysmally if I swap them over.  I doubt this
is an issue with ISDN cards or is it?

2) Linux hardware support - clearly the Howto is going to be the bible but
is there a "recommended" brand of ISDN card for Linux?

3) Linux software - does pppd still apply (I use wvdial) or does one have to
use something else?

4) channel bonding - anything I should know?

5) anything other consideration I haven't listed?

I'd be grateful for any thoughts before I get myself hopelessly confused ;)

Robin Collins

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