On Monday, 30 October 2000 at 09:00, Brian May wrote:
> >>>>> "kmself" == kmself  <kmself@ix.netcom.com> writes:
>     kmself> Where n > 0 people need modification access to the same
>     kmself> data, a version control system should be implemented.  RCS
>     kmself> and CVS are available on Debian and their use is fairly
>     kmself> transparent.  For more complex organizations, BitKeeper is
>     kmself> a strongly recommended choice.
> What is BitKeeper?  Is it DFSG? What are the benefits of it over CVS
> for "more complex organisations"?

It's Larry McVoy's source management system, which he has been pushing
on linux-kernel for quite some time, and which does sound nice. I'm
not too up on either its license or DFSG, but I don't think it
makes the cut (it reminded me of the original Qt license when last I
looked at it, actually more restrictive than that).

It's nicest feature as I recall is that it makes hierarchies of
repositories possible. You don't have to have commit access on the
main tree to be able to make your own branches on your tree, import
other people's changes and merge changes to the master tree into your
own. I always thought having only one master CVS repository was a real
pain for distributed (no, I won't say "bazaar"... argh, I said it!)


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