>>>>> "Paul" == Paul D Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Paul> With BitKeeper you get the source, you can modify the
    Paul> source, and you can freely distribute the
    Paul> modifications--with two caveats.  The first is that all
    Paul> modified source you distribute must still pass their
    Paul> regression tests.

which restricts what you are allowed to modify...

    Paul> The second caveat is the interesting one.  BitKeeper has a
    Paul> "logging" function that logs all source changes (that is,
    Paul> the change comments, # of lines changed, filename, etc.  Not
    Paul> the diffs themselves, as I understand it).  The free copy of
    Paul> BitKeeper sends these logs to an "open logging server",
    Paul> which is maintained by the BitKeeper folks.  They are free
    Paul> to publish these logs (and they are doing so).  The other
    Paul> thing you cannot do is modify or interfere in any way with
    Paul> this logging capability.

but I assume you could modify your computer's network setup so that
logs come back to your computer?

    Paul> One interesting thing: the BitKeeper license says it reverts
    Paul> to being GPL if the open logging servers are ever down for
    Paul> more than 180 consecutive days (presumably the company goes
    Paul> out of business and shuts down...)

What happens if the logging server is not contact-able for any reason?
ie. operation from a laptop without any network connection. Will it
still work?

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