> hello
> i just got my first debian cd's ever and everything worked fine yet.
> but like every time i have problems setting up the ISDN connection (maybe 
> it's the most complicated task cause i can't get online help during the 
> configuration ;)
> i installed the isdnutils package, the kernel modules for the isdn system and 
> the isdncard are up and running.
> i executed isdnconfig and created the config files.
> i changed the values for my localmsn, the remote msn and my username.
> finally i created /etc/pap-secrets and added my username and password.
> now when i try to connect, imon shows me online for about a second and then 
> disconnects.
> in /var/log/messages everything i see is the same; that it disconnects 
> immidiatly after login.
> so i think this is an authentication error.
> unfortunatly the debian online book i know doesn't tell anything about 
> authentication it just says "read the documentation".
> and the isdnutils documentation just says "you have to add an entry to 
> pap-secrets" well this is not much informative :(
> does anyone in this list got his isdn dialin with athentification working and 
> could tell me what exactly i have to do (maybe i missed something)?
> or can anyone give me hint how to find the error?
> btw, my provider is t-online (germany).

Try to enable debugging, both in .etc.isdn/ipppd.ippp0 and in /etc/syslog.conf 
and try to inspect the logs afterwards. You might also post them in the list.
I believe you should restart /etc/init.d/sysklogd after changing its config 

> - Daniel
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