> > ok, i enabled debugging.
> > in /var/log/messages i have the following entry when i start isdnutils:
> >
> > Nov  3 15:14:33 ranger ipppd: info: no PAP secret entry for this user!
> I am nut sure it is important, but might be wrong. I have:
> [19:56:11 /tmp]$ grep CHAP /var/log/syslog
> Nov  3 19:01:31 rakefet ipppd: info: no CHAP secret entry for this user!
> [19:56:17 /tmp]$
> Are you sure your ISP uses these auth methods? Perhaps it is using CHAP?
> What are the messages after this one?

no i'm sure it's pap cause i got it allready working using linux mandrake.
but the isdn configuration in debian is completely different so i have to 
learn it from scratch :(
the documentation i found is not very usefull and that's a pitty cause i 
think the internet connection is the most important task when learning a new 
btw, the next line after "no PAP secret entry" is indeed "no CHAP secret 
i could avoid the PAP secret warning with chaning the pap-secrets file to
* * password
but i still get disconnected immiadtly after logon :(

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