On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Casey Henderson wrote:

>   Now when I boot up Linux, it says "Starting xdm..." and then it drops
> me to the command prompt. (I had been using gdm, but I'm using xdm just
> until I get everything working).  This never happened before.  It used
> to be that it would say "Starting gdm..." and then it would take me
> automatically to console 7 and I could log in at the graphical login
> box.  Instead what it does now is drop me to a command prompt.  It sits
> there for about 2 or 3 minutes, and then it switches to console 7.

Change in /etc/x11/xdm/xdm-config the DisplayManager.randomFile from
/dev/urandom to /dev/mem ... as far as I can remember some bug report
about that, xdm tries to read 8MB or so and this takes much longer from
&dev/urandom than /dev/mem...

Have you installed the xserver-xfree86 package containing the realy new
xserver, otherwise still 3.3.6 is fired up. You then should make the
XFree86 server the default when it ask for, or edit the file

>    If anyone has gotten X 4.0.1 to work with an S3 virge, could you
> lend me a hand?

Nop ... but dexter has configured my Trident chipset my Laptop uses very
nice. I can remember, that when I the first time (about 2 years ago) tried
to configure it, it was a pain, and finaly I had installed an XF86Config I
got from the net and never changed the monitor related settings...
It seems to me, that in general (not allways perhaps) the new xserver is
easier to configure than the old one...


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