
When i am in Win95, i can see chat below:

 * Quidway A8010 Internet Server *
 * welcome!!                     *
 please input username:
 please input password:

i run pppconfig and get the following files:

Below is /etc/chatscripts/provider:

"" ATZ

Below is /etc/ppp/peers/provider:

# This file was generated by pppconfig.  You can edit the following lines
# but please do not delete lines or the change the comments or you will
# confuse pppconfig.
noauth         #pppconfig_noauth
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider"  #pppconfig_connect
debug          #pppconfig_debug
/dev/ttyS2       #pppconfig_dev
115200      #pppconfig_speed
defaultroute         #pppconfig_route
noipdefault     #pppconfig_ipdefault
user vip  #pppconfig_user
# End of pppconfig controlled lines.  You can add lines below here without
# confusing pppconfig.

Below is last part of ppp.log:

Nov 27 14:23:59 debian chat[803]: abort on (BUSY)
Nov 27 14:23:59 debian chat[803]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Nov 27 14:23:59 debian chat[803]: abort on (VOICE)
Nov 27 14:23:59 debian chat[803]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Nov 27 14:23:59 debian chat[803]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Nov 27 14:23:59 debian chat[803]: send (ATZ^M)
Nov 27 14:23:59 debian chat[803]: expect (OK)
Nov 27 14:24:18 debian chat[803]: ATZ^M^M
Nov 27 14:24:18 debian chat[803]: OK
Nov 27 14:24:18 debian chat[803]:  -- got it
Nov 27 14:24:18 debian chat[803]: send (ATDT8888^M)
Nov 27 14:24:18 debian chat[803]: expect (CONNECT)
Nov 27 14:24:18 debian chat[803]: ^M
Nov 27 14:24:48 debian chat[803]: ATDT8888^M
Nov 27 14:24:48 debian chat[803]: CONNECT
Nov 27 14:24:48 debian chat[803]:  -- got it
Nov 27 14:24:48 debian chat[803]: send (\d)
Nov 27 14:24:49 debian pppd[802]: Serial connection established.
Nov 27 14:24:50 debian pppd[802]: Using interface ppp0
Nov 27 14:24:50 debian pppd[802]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS2
Nov 27 14:24:50 debian pppd[802]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0>
Nov 27 14:25:17 debian last message repeated 9 times
Nov 27 14:25:20 debian pppd[802]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Nov 27 14:25:20 debian pppd[802]: Connection terminated.
Nov 27 14:25:20 debian pppd[802]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Nov 27 14:25:20 debian pppd[802]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Nov 27 14:25:41 debian pppd[802]: Terminating on signal 15.
Nov 27 14:26:12 debian pppd[802]: Exit.

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hasler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: can't connect to ISP

> a writes:
> > i have Debian 2.0 and can't connect to ISP though i can connect in
> > Win95. Below is output of plog:
> Did you configure ppp with pppconfig?  Are you using pon to connect?  If
> not, do so.  If so, post /etc/chatscripts/provider and
> /etc/ppp/peers/provider.  Munge any passwords.
> > ...Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean...
> This usually happens when your ISP wants you to use scripted
> and you are not completing the process.  His machine is expecting more
> strings when you start pppd and so echos its LCP packets back at it.  What
> did you do to get Windows to connect?
> --
> John Hasler
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, Wisconsin

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