
It doesn't work. I can't follow your instructions exactly because I use
Debian 2.0 and pppconfig has not a "Change" entry. I recreate a connection
and choose "Chat" instead of "PAP" and change login prompt to "username".
Below is that part of ppp.log:

Nov 28 06:01:21 debian chat[214]: abort on (VOICE)
Nov 28 06:01:21 debian chat[214]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Nov 28 06:01:21 debian chat[214]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Nov 28 06:01:21 debian chat[214]: send (ATZ^M)
Nov 28 06:01:21 debian chat[214]: expect (OK)
Nov 28 06:01:40 debian chat[214]: ATZ^M^M
Nov 28 06:01:40 debian chat[214]: OK
Nov 28 06:01:40 debian chat[214]:  -- got it
Nov 28 06:01:40 debian chat[214]: send (ATDT8888^M)
Nov 28 06:01:40 debian chat[214]: expect (CONNECT)
Nov 28 06:01:40 debian chat[214]: ^M
Nov 28 06:02:10 debian chat[214]: ATDT8888^M
Nov 28 06:02:10 debian chat[214]: CONNECT
Nov 28 06:02:10 debian chat[214]:  -- got it
Nov 28 06:02:10 debian chat[214]: send (^M)
Nov 28 06:02:10 debian chat[214]: expect (name:)
Nov 28 06:02:20 debian chat[214]:  115200^M
Nov 28 06:02:40 debian chat[214]: *********************************^M
Nov 28 06:02:55 debian chat[214]: alarm
Nov 28 06:02:55 debian chat[214]: Failed
Nov 28 06:02:55 debian pppd[213]: Connect script failed

Later I change "username:" to "username:--username:" in /etc/chat*/provider
and it doesn't work. I recreate a connection and choose PAP and add login
lines in /etc/chat*/provider and it fails again. Why is it so hard to
connect to ISP in Debian 2.0?

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hasler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: can't connect to ISP

> Run pppconfig again and select "Change" in the first screen.  Select the
> name you have given your connection (most likely "provider") in the next
> screen.  In the "Properties" screen select "Method".  When you come to
> "Authentication Method" choose "Chat".  In the "Login Prompt" screen
> backspace over "ogin:" and type "name:".  Accept the default in the
> Password Prompt" screen.  Back in "Authentication Method" choose
> "Previous".  Back in "Properties" select "Finished".
> --
> John Hasler
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, Wisconsin

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