On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 12:51:17AM -0500, Brenda J. Butler wrote:
> I use mutt for my mail client, and exim for my mail transfer agent (MTA).
> I use fetchmail to download my email from my isp to my machine and
> I look at it locally.  I use procmail to pre-sort the email into
> folders (one just for debian-user) and when I have a question
> I bring up the debian-user folder and run searches in it.

Oh yes I forgot:  debian-user grows very quickly (and I don't
delete any mail), so once a month I move the folder to a new
name like "debian-user-yyyymm" and start a new one "debian-user".

For slower-growing folders (like debian-sparc) I do that
once a year.  "debian-sparc-yyyy"

Since I have a slow modem, I don't mind downloading all that
mail and archiving it locally, so I can do quicker searches
when I need info.

For other people, perhaps you should just run searches against
the mail archives on the web.

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